Friday, February 7, 2014

happy list.

here's my happy list on this bright snowy friday.

1. this girl who wanted so badly to 'stretch' her own scone for dinner last night. she was beaming with pride.

2. homemade dulce de leche. i've wanted to try this forever, and i finally did. it is delish over ice cream. recipe here

3. my husband making his side of the bed before he goes to work (and i'm still sleeping in the other half). he's been doing this for a few weeks and it always makes me smile.

4. feeling this baby's kicks and wiggles in the early morning hours. i love it. i felt her move from the outside for the first time this week. so exciting!

5. my feral watch. it's brand spankin' new and i haven't worn it out of the house yet. around the house with the stopper still in it, you bet.

6. the olympics! we love the olympics at our house and we always try and watch as much of it as we can. we watched events last night and are looking forward to the opening ceremonies tonight.

7. i finished the Book of Mormon this morning! only 2 days early, but i'm so excited and i always feel so happy after i finish it again. 

8. this article. i loved every single bit of it!

h a p p y  w e e k e n d i n g 

my first happy list here and another one here.

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