Friday, August 9, 2013

a year ago.

you guys, i'm tired. really really. today was spent working through dress ordering issues (for my sister's wedding), getting stuff planned, and keeping brooklyn entertained all day. i even mustered up the last of my energy to make dinner. thanks to our cute neighbor, we had lots of veggies. veggies, quinoa, and grilled chicken. it really was delicious. my point to all of this is that i can not even wrap my brain around a great post. 

i spent a little bit of time reading my blog from exactly a year ago. i love doing that. it makes me happy/sad/giddy/more sad... you get the point. anyway, i've selected a few for your reading enjoyment today. sorry for a 'no picture' post. but sometimes... i just don't have it in me. 

so, click here.


then click here.


and then here.

and a 

h a p p y  w e e k e n d  to  y o u  a l l 

p.s. we're getting cable today. ya know, for football season. and cougartown!

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