Friday, May 2, 2014

day four.

day four.

the action in the nursery didn't really start until about 5:30 PM yesterday evening. i started by spray painting a nice big letter for baby's name. while i waited for that to dry, james and brooklyn joined me outside and we started picking weeds and doing other stuff around the yards. in no time at all, our neighbors had joined us and we had ourselves a little weed picking party. who else can say their neighbors help them pick their weeds? seriously.

once we quit that around 9 PM, i headed in to get a little vacuuming done and some stray laundry put away. i was definitely feeling like a nesting crazed person. i kept finding other projects to do. i was waiting for james to come help hang that big letter in the nursery. once that was done, i found other things for him to hang elsewhere in the house. one thing leads to another. 

the nursery already feels so different and the changes have been super duper minimal. it just definitely feels ready for the new babe that will be taking up residence next month. brooklyn loves to go in there and pull out a teeny tiny onesie, outfit, or shoe and tell me that her baby sister is going to love it and my heart melts.

everything is basically finished, just a few finishing touches left. i also need to get the diaper bag ready to go, and james is going to turn the toddler bed back into a crib. other than that, we are ready for baby girl to make her appearance. just a little over 50 days. 

^^^i'm having a hard time moving this out of the nursery. still debating.^^^ 

hopefully the nursery will be finished up by saturday, and we can play in the sun while we're not doing that. it's feelin' good out there and we want to play the weekend away. only 8 more until we're a family of four. crazy!

h a p p y  w e e k e n d 

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