Thursday, March 6, 2014

on this wednesday...

our wednesday was normal for the most part. however, there was painting right after our breakfast of oatmeal was eaten. normally, as soon as she's taken her last bite, she is ready to get in the tub right away. even on saturdays.

but she chose to paint instead.

the sun was out and these lilies made me smile, so my mood was better than normal.

lunch was nothing structured, just apples, cheese, and tomatoes. for the first time in her life, brooklyn tried a little piece of cheese and then asked for more. i was shocked. it must be the sharp cheddar. 

then it was nap time/cleaning time/relaxing time. it was short lived however, and we went outside to enjoy the sunshine and breathe in that yummy fresh air.

james came home from work. we had chicken fajitas for dinner, and then went for a walk around the block. then it was off to young women's for me and paper writing time for james. brooklyn got to choose a movie to watch until mommy got home. i was only gone for an hour so i got to come home and finish toy story with her.

after the movie, brooklyn helped straighten up a few things in her room and put the new flannel sheets on her big girl bed. she asked over and over if she could sleep in it. so guess what folks...

she did. 

she was so excited as she crawled into her new soft sheets and looked at her books. james went up and read with her for a little while longer as well. we said family prayer and then it was lights out. we'll see how it goes. it'll definitely be interesting. but it really helped me that she wanted to sleep in there. this is a big transition for her (and her mama) and her being so excited and willing to make the change is making it so much easier on all of us.

brooklyn jayde, you are growing up way too fast. mommy and daddy love you so so much and we are so happy we get to be your parents.

love you tons and tons!

h a p p y  t h u r s d a y 

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