Thursday, September 26, 2013

the birthday boy.

remember james' birthday last year?

it will definitely be a little more low key than that this go round. especially because we've already celebrated with dinner, cake and ice cream. he also went ahead and bought all his birthday presents ahead of time. no fun. i do have something for him to open though. hopefully he likes it. 

annnnnd, let's hope byu can pull off a win for him on friday and redeem themselves just a little bit. that'd be a good birthday present for him as well.

i also think a hair cut will be in order. remember the first time i did that?

and now, some pictures of that boy i just love so much. happy happy birthday hun! love you love you.

h a p p y  a l m o s t  f r i d a y !

p.s. if you haven't already, you have to see the #hashtag video. #jtisnumberone  :)

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