Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the day before...

the 4th of july!!! otherwise known as, 4th of july eve.

we were busy bees as soon as our eyes opened and our feet hit the floor yesterday morning. flowers were watered, floors were cleaned, breakfast was had, dishes were done, banana bread (and mini muffins) was made, and i am telling you, by noon... we were pumped to get out of the house.

james had a meeting in the slc, so brooklyn and i tagged along for the drive, and got dropped off at seven peaks for a little sun/pool time. even though it was super hot, we had a blast and it felt really good after a dip in the pool/lazy river/wave pool. brooklyn just couldn't fit everything in that she wanted to. 

we stayed hydrated and munched on almonds and crackers. 

it was so fun being back there again. just the two of us. last summer brooklyn and i basically lived there. it was crazy to see how big a difference a year makes when it came to how we spent our time there. she definitely gets more out of it now. but oh how i wish she were just turning one again this summer.

before we knew it, james was picking us up and we were headed home. james worked on hanging our hammock and i worked on a painting project. brooklyn, well brooklyn got in her pool completely dressed. i think she was rebelling because her parents were both busy and weren't giving her our undivided attention. funny girl. 

after the projects were put away for the night, we headed to the front yard to do some fireworks. brooklyn is loving the fact that she gets to do sparklers every night. she loves it. she's definitely got the arm circle motion down, oh and she does squats as she does the arm cirlces. can ya picture it? it's pretty darn cute.

tonight we're headed to spend time at the holmes household. we can't wait for s'mores and just good ol fashioned family time. 

h a p p y  4th  o f  j u l y  e v e !

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