Wednesday, March 6, 2013


when brooklyn woke up yesterday, she was super happy. we shared a bowl of oatmeal and then snuggled on the couch for a little bit. then she decided she was still hungry (doesn't happen often), so i gave her a bowl of cereal. which she ate all of. 

we showered and got ready for the day, then ran some errands. she used to be a terrible errand runner/passenger in a car. the improvement these days is huge. huge. when i get her out of the car at a store, she loves to walk in all by herself. holding my hand of course. she really thinks she's so grown up. it's sad and cute all at the same time. 

later in the afternoon she spied her 'fluffy' outfit and had the biggest grin on her face i couldn't resist. on with her 'fluffy' outfit and then twirling and zooming around the room. she loves that thing. loves it. i'm pretty sure that's why she woke up so happy. she woke up, looked down at the purple fluffy stuff, and grinned ear to ear. funny girl.

that evening jeremy and chelsea came over. we had dinner and then enjoyed some cougar town. you haven't seen it? watch it. hilarious. but only if you have tbs. boo.

we are loving the sunshine and dreading the storm ahead. we'll just hope for sunshine again soon and that it will stay for awhile. we're craving/dying for spring over here.

h a p p y  w e d n e s d a y

p.s. my laundry DID get folded. wahoo!

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