Friday, January 11, 2013

the move.

the movers got everything out of the house today (thursday) by three o'clock, a day and a half ahead of schedule. they finished just in time for the snow to start. and it didn't stop FOREVER. we all bundled up and ventured out to get a few things for painting, repairs, and to clean the carpet. because of that darn snow, it took us a lot longer than expected. 

we're exhausted.


wiped out.


the carpets are cleaned. most of the other cleaning is done. the holes in the walls are full of puddy. and we're ready to move in. it is crazy. it's also tiring. it will be nice to be all settled and just enjoy the next week with my in-laws before they make the move to hawaii. 

for now, it's time to sleep.

will post progress on monday. 

(family room) 

(living room) 

(master bedroom) 

(brooklyn's room) 

(almost every item on the countertops are things they are not allowed to move with them. we scored in the cleaning products department.)

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