my SIL is working at texas roadhouse for the summer. surely you've been there. if not, you MUST go. anyway, she's been wanting the fam to come eat so last night ended up being that night. we all met in riverdale and anxiously waited for our table. luckily, we waited oh about 3.2 minutes and were seated with hot rolls waiting to jump in our bellies. oh those rolls. those darn rolls.
i ordered salmon and the loaded sweet potato. dang good guys. james had some ribs and delish steak that i took some bites of. brooklyn liked the sweet potato (who doesn't?!) and also loved being passed around the table to try everyone else's dishes.
not only did she get a balloon flower made just for her... she got to ride the birthday saddle. she got on there real cowgirl like and started rocking back and forth without any prompting. the birthday yell made her stop dead in her tracks and wonder what the heck was going on. but after it was over, she was content to sit in the saddle as long as they'd let her. she was in heaven i tell you. sadly enough, we didn't get chels in the birthday saddle. maybe next year. she and brooklyn share a birthday. remember that? well they do. they're kindred summer birthday spirits.
on our drive home, we had a spectacular firework show. they were everywhere! i seriously have never seen anything like it. if only brooklyn could have enjoyed them too. she's a little too short still. but, when we drove into our neighborhood, there were huge fireworks popping overhead. we stopped the car, rolled down the windows, and i put brooklyn on my lap. she loves a good firework. we watched big fireworks go off for about five minutes. we had one sad baby when they stopped. one sad baby. oh my gosh. i've been calling her a baby as often as i can. ya know, since she'll be one on tomorrow and considered a toddler and all. don't worry, i'll be calling her a baby for a long while to come. she still is a baby, and always will be to me.
i'm gonna have a 1 year old tomorrow. what?!
We watched fireworks in the car as well - you stay cool and can listen to your own music, haha! Cute babe! She looks so cute and old!
how fun that Brookie and her aunt share a birthday. Samuel was born on his uncles birthday. Another reason to addto the "why we are friends" list. ;)
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