Last night marks my scariest night of being a mother so far. Brooklyn had her first fever. 101.2. Scary. Her little body was so so hot. I gave her medicine and gave her a cold wash cloth to suck on and then I periodically patted her head, neck, and feet with it. My poor baby. I wanted to just wave my magic wand and magically make her completely healthy again. I was just heart broken over it.
The next morning she just laid on the floor. When I went to take a shower really quick, she stayed in the exact spot I left her. Sucking her thumb, she sadly looked up at me as if to say, "mom, I'm sick. Please make me feel better." So I picked her up and snuggled her. We snuggled a lot of the day. She just wanted her mommy.
I went to YW's for an hour. She wasn't too happy about my leaving. Our activity was put on by the stake YW's presidency and it was absolutely amazing. I wanted to enjoy it, really take it all in. But I was worried about my sick girl back at home without her mommy. Gosh I'm attached to her. Maybe too attached. Someday I'll be stronger. Someday.
When I got home she was happy to see me. I rushed everyone outside to look up into the sky to see the paper lanterns the girls were launching at the church. Such a special activity for those girls. The boys went to go get some ice scream and a few random groceries. So, we got in our jammies and snuggled some more. When the boys got home, we our ice cream and then I fed Brooklyn some carrots. She loves her carrots. After she ate I could tell she was feeling better. She's been acting ALMOST like herself tonight. She still coughs and has a runny nose and I'm praying like crazy that the fever does not return tonight. I don't know if my heart can take it.
On a positive note, we're getting our taxes done tonight. Always a happy night in our home when we go over the river and through the woods to our 'tax guy's' house. Please let us be healthy. Pretty please with ice cream on top. And oreos. And caramel.
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