Monday, January 23, 2012

Snowed in ...

We had a lovely weekend.

Lots of time at home.

And lots of relaxing. And lots of reading (for me).

Saturday morning was perfect. It was raining outside. Hard. And we had no where to be. So we stayed in our jammies and had breakfast in bed. Pop tarts nonetheless. James and I watched Brooklyn roll around while we chatted. Then, James took Brooklyn so that I could do a little reading and take a nap. So nice.

Brooklyn enjoyed time with her daddy.

We ran a few errands and got home just in time for it to start snowing. Again, we were so glad we didn't have anywhere to be. We hunkered down, put on our sweats, and just enjoyed be 'snowed in' together. Sometimes those days are just the best. Especially when life gets busy and weekends are full of plans.

And Sunday, we enjoyed a delicious meal at Whit and Chuck's for family home evening. Whit made some Paula Deen baked chicken that was to die for, seriously. Thanks Ween.

And on to another week. I look forward to it. I look forward to making some healthy meals for dinner this week. I even got oatmeal ready to go for the boys and myself to eat this morning. Mmm... Love me some oatmeal.

h a p p y  m o n d a y


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We loved having you. Come again!