Thursday, September 1, 2011

hello september!

Well ya made it September! I welcome you with open arms. I welcome your fall colors. I welcome your cooler temperatures so that my daughter doesnt sweat to death in her car seat. I welcome your 26th day, my husband's birthday, so that we can celebrate!

(James' B-Day '10)

I welcome your cute cozy fashion. I can't wait to break out my boots and beanies. I welcome your football games...not ALL of your football games, but some of them. I welcome you.

(BYU game '09)

You are welcome here in my home.

Only 3 months until my brother comes home!

h a p p y  1 s t  d a y  o f  s e p t e m b e r

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post beautiful! These are exciting times!