Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Yesterday was my hardest day being a mother.

Brooklyn has Thrush and has been pretty fussy and miserable with it. She wasn't bad Monday night, but yesterday morning it was much worse. The way she cried made me cry. It was the most heartbroken cry I've ever heard. It broke my heart right in half. I felt completely helpless.


it was also my most rewarding day as a mother. She calmed right down when I held her close to me and cradled her head in my hand. I held her close and cried with her, but I was the one who could soothe her and make her feel a little better. She needed me then. I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything.

If kids could only know how much their parents love them. Really and truly. They wouldn't ever do anything wrong or hurt them in any way. The love I feel as a parent is unlike any other. I wish I could have understood this love growing up. I would have been a lot better and showed my parents a lot more love and respect.

When James got home from work today Brooklyn was asleep on our bed. He went in and looked at her. He came back out of the room a little emotional. He knew we had a rough day today. He said his heart melted when he looked at her. That made my heart melt.

It is definitely a tough job to be a mom. To see your child suffer. I never want to see my daughter sad. But I also am grateful for my job. To be the one she turns to and comes to for comfort and help.

I love her with all my heart and I hope that when she reads this one day she already knows it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn it. My poor baby! Give her extra kisses for me