Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i LiKe to eAt, Eat, eaT, aPpLes & baNaNas!

for the past few days, we've been stuffing ourselves full of fresh fruits and veggies.

i've felt so darn healthy!

the other night for dinner we had fish, broccoli, canteloupe, cucumber salad, and grapes.


last night, we ate nothing but homemade hummus & crackers, grapes, and canteloupe.

the hummus had green chiles in it, which makes me brave because those suckers are hot!

the recipe calls for 1 jalepeno, but this past week in my BOUNTIFUL BASKET i got LOADS of chiles, so i decided to do a little substituting.

speaking of BOUNTIFUL BASKETS...

if you haven't heard of it or ordered one yet because you're not sure about it...


you get SOOOO much fresh produce!

and it's like christmas because you never know what you're going to get!

i love trying new things.

and this last week, in my BB, there was a cute little fruit called a pluot.

isn't that awesome?!

a fruit i never even knew existed!

so seriously, if you want to get a BB, just do it!

they rock!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for linking to my make me feel so famous!!! I'm trying the chilies in mine tomorrow night and I'm trying your tomato cucumber recipe tonight!!!