Thursday, August 5, 2010

diAmOnDs aRe A giRL's BeSt fRiEnD!

or maybe chocolate is...maybe both!

today i'm gonna go up north and get pampered!

i'm getting my fake lashes today...a little nervous.

what if i look like a clown, or a little girl playing dress-up???

breathe, breathe...

i can do this.

and later, i'm meeting up with my sis and cuz to go over to another cuz's house to check out her latest jewelry!

lashes. jewelry.

hopefully i'll have some pics to post of my adventures today!

until then, enjoy this pic from jennifer bertoch photography.


Barbaloot said...

Have fun checking out Alli's jewelry. I don't know much about that kind of stuff, but I always love looking at what she does:)

Jen said...

Oooh fake lashes?? the lash extensions? you will have to tell us all about it! :) have fun in powell!! :)