Wednesday, September 5, 2018

our labor day weekend.

we started off our last weekend of summer with tinfoil dinners because i just couldn't help myself! we ate them at my in-laws' and ate peach crisp with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

saturday afternoon, brooklyn did her 2nd peach and cream stand. she was so excited about it this year! we lengthened the hours and sold some of my peach, peach coconut, and strawberry jam.

later that day, brooklyn mastered riding her bike! she's been practicing all summer and was so thrilled to finally get it down! we all cheered her on and she rode proudly down the street.

the first byu football game left my husband happy for the rest of the long weekend! thank goodness.

sunday evening we headed back over to my in laws' to get the trailer set up for james and the two older girls to have a sleepover in that night. we watched a show all together and then adi and i headed home to sleep in our own beds.

monday we did lagoon-a-beach and lagoon.

we all went to bed exhausted and dreaming of next summer!

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