Thursday, October 23, 2014

october so far...

october is killing it. the weather has been beautiful, our flannel sheets are officially on for the next couple months, and brooklyn has been drinking her weight in hot chocolate. we love the leaves, and playing in them with friends. it's flying by and we're trying to enjoy every second!

this is the first year that brooklyn has really gotten excited about pulling out all of our halloween books. she wants to read them all, multiple times. her favorite being the skeleton meets the mummy.

and if you can handle kids' halloween songs in the car, i totally recommend this. i recommended it a year or so ago, and i still stand by it. brooklyn loves it. there are fifty tracks so you don't hear the songs repeated too often. 

some other halloween books we have been reading...

we also pulled out the fall/autumn books. 

i've been burning candles not stop the past few weeks. i love them all and couldn't choose a favorite with a gun to my head. they all smell delicious and make me want to stop time forever. not to mention that kendall is so adorably fat right now that time could stand still and i'd be content. i want her to just get more and more chubby! 

(she wears this outfit once a week. getting good use out of it.)

we love when family remember that we live in davis county when they're in the area. the cute lynch/reynolds family came to kaysville for a soccer game and let us know so that we could see each other. it was so fun to get to chat and swap babes for a little while. 

october is going to be over before we know it, but we could definitely say we squeezed every last good drop out of it. we're looking forward to halloween and dressing the girls up, and going trick-or-treating. after that, the countdown to thanksgiving in hawaii is on.

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