Friday, January 31, 2014


adding another little girl to our home will definitely add more pink. brooklyn doesn't even have very many pink clothes, but we sure do have a lot of girly things. she is all about princesses, fairies, ponies, castles, and beautiful things.

i captured a little bit of this on my camera this morning. 

i am so excited for brooklyn to have a sister. she has no clue what's going on yet, but she has no idea that she's about to gain a best friend. and i honestly feel like even if this baby were to be a boy/brother, they'd be best friends as well. siblings are totally built in best friends. sure we fight and get on each other's last nerves, but in the end, we really are each other's best friends.

i can't wait for brooklyn to have a best friend.

this weekend's plans include, but are not limited to:

brooklyn's dentist appointment (fingers crossed for no cavities)
dinner out
discussing baby names
start organizing brooklyn's big girl room
catching up on shows with Chels (i'm sure the boys have a game to watch)
super bowl party at my parents' house

h a p p y  february  e v e !

p.s. this girl is creative. she handed me this after lunch and said, "here mom, here's your ice cream cone."

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