Thursday, December 20, 2012

packages and painting.

on tuesday, my birthday package arrived. i was elated. i ripped that bad boy open and tried it on. loved it. so i wrapped it. is that weird? i don't think so. i'll be just as excited to open it come birthday time. having stuff like that to look forward to, makes days like yesterday so much more bearable. ya know, the kind of day where you have a specific plan in mind, certain things to get done, and you have a little one who takes a shorter than normal nap, and is ornery/clingy all the live long day.


i had one of those yesterday. 

i've procrastinated a painting project for brooklyn from santa, and i deemed yesterday the day to get it done. brooklyn just wasn't having it. her nap was shorter than an hour and i didn't even get halfway done. then, she just wanted me to hold her and watch christmas movies and eat doritos. i said yes to all three. but i needed to get that painting done. i also wanted to get everything in our little living space organized and ready to go before friday. friday is packing day. packing for our family christmas party up in coalville. for me, packing and cleaning/organizing, do not belong in the same day. also, today needs to be the day i get last minute christmas things done. 

so, i drug her along with me downstairs to our little space and gave her some chores to do. she stayed very busy while i folded and put clothes away, vacuumed, and dusted. such a big helper she is. she basically transferred dirty clothes from one basket to the next, and over again. she was into it. 

thanks to the help of my SIL, tori, and my sweet hubby, the painting project got finished. it just needs to be put together, by...not yours truly. that's james' job. that way we can both have some pride in it come christmas morn. sounds good right?
so, with just 5 days left until christmas... the ruesches are this close to being ready for that special day.  

(that birthday package) 

(we have a wild co-sleeper on our hands. james loves to take pictures to document.) 

(she did this all on her own.) 

(a chartreuse mess)


a BIG birthday shout out to my SIL tori, aunt 'toe' as brooklyn calls her. 

happy birthday tor, we love you!

1 comment:

katie said...

You are such a great mom! What is the thing you are painting for Brooklyn?!