Thursday, September 6, 2012

end of summer.

as a child, the end of summer always brought fresh peach pie. my mom whipped it up in the afternoon and we'd devour it before the sky was dark. it was one of my all time favorite end of summer treats. it still is. and since i don't live at my mom's house anymore, i have to make it for myself. for my little family that is. i love it that much. even though it tastes better when my mom makes it. it'll have to do.

so after lots of errands and lots of dinner... i got going on the pie. i'd never made it before so it was risky. it turned out just great though. just peachy enough. the combination of the sweet peaches and the buttery crust are a match made in heaven. seriously the perfect end to summer. mmm.

(the night ended with some brooklyn entertainment and some episodes of friends. epic.)

*the fresh peach pie was the last food item to cross off on our summer bucket list.

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