Monday, August 27, 2012

still packing.

the last several days have been crazy around these parts. i'm living in chaos. i think i'm surviving because i know there's an end to the chaos and i can see it. saturday is the big moving day and it will be nice when it's all over and i can sit, relax, and eat bon bons. ok not really. but having everything packed, cleaned, and organized will be soooo nice.

james and i have been packing in the evenings together. i try to pack during the day while brooklyn's napping. because let's be honest, have you ever tried packing with a toddler around? no bueno. so we take turns keeping her busy while the other one packs. it works nicely, it just takes double the time to get what we want accomplished done before it's midnight.

this weekend we went to my in laws, where we'll be living temporarily, to help get the rooms we'll be living in ready to roll. yes, we've extended our chaos clear to davis county. my in laws will be grateful when this is all over as well. they've been such a huge help. we truly do appreciate them. james and i even got to have a date night on saturday. we went to dinner at garcia's in layton. love it. try it.

tonight, brooklyn starts swimming lessons. i seriously can't wait. and she has no clue what's about to hit her. she'll love it to though... i hope. she better. fingers crossed. so today i'll be cleaning, packing, and then taking a bunch of stuff to our 'new home' and then taking brooklyn to swimming lessons. how's that for a monday? i know you're jealous.

h a p p y  m o n d a y !

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