Thursday, June 7, 2012

running and reading.

Last night was full of grocery shopping and running errands. Our tummies were full of breakfast for dinner and we were motivated to get everything done quickly...we had a sleepy baby on our hands. She was like a ticking time bomb. I was just waiting for her to explode and just completely have a melt down.

Well, that didn't happen. Miraculously. She was good the whole time. Droopy eyes, lifeless arms, and nothing close to a smile, but that baby was content. She almost ALMOST lost it at the end, but a nice lady in line talked to her and gave her all the attention she wanted and it made her night. She was happy as a lark. So was this mama.

 (a bag of mini bananas for a mini person)

(checking out the toy goods at Ross - she couldn't get enough) 

The library was one of our last stops for the night. I am kicking myself for not taking my camera in because I would have loved to document Brooklyn being afraid of the Chinese dragon hanging from the ceiling in the children's area. I couldn't stop laughing. She was fine to look at it from a distance, but when I held her up to it, she couldn't squirm down to my chest fast enough. So gosh darn cute and funny. I will remember my camera next time.

The best part about our trip to the library was getting all the shtuff we needed for the Salt Lake Library Summer Reading Program. For James and me, and Brooklyn. That's right. They have a baby program. I was fired up you guys. We read, sing, or play with her (educationally of course), mark off a star and when it's filled up, we get a free book. Free stuff. Come on. Same goes for us older folks. I've already got two books under my belt and I hope to finish my chart this month. I'm a geek. But stuff like this just gets my wheels turnin'.

 (Brookie's stuff)

(our old people stuff)

And, we got book marks. I was in heaven. 

h a p p y  s u m m e r  r e a d i n g 

p.s. I vacuumed three different times yesterday. Betty and I are going to get along just swimmingly. I just know it. 

p.s.s. Betty is my vacuum's name.


Whitney said...

Is the reading program at all Salt Lake libraries? I want to sign our family up. Such a fun thing to do!

Random Forevers said...

i'm pretty sure it is. all our stuff says salt lake county library services on it. you should totally do it!