Friday, May 18, 2012


The weather was mostly perfect yesterday. I love the sun, but it was a nice break from him. Bless his heart. So, I definitely took advantage and let Brooklyn play outside for quite awhile. That girl is most happy outside. She's chill and just totally happy being able to explore and discover. Oh she loves it.

Lucky for her, our neighbors had a sprinkler going. As soon as she started heading for it, I thought, oh boy, she's gonna have to throw a fit because I am not about to deal with the hassle of her getting wet. So I watched her swiftly make her way towards it.

She was excited folks. Like really excited. I decided, whatever she did in this situation, I was going to let happen. I could tell she had butterflies and just couldn't resist that water. As soon as she got to the water on the sidewalk to she stopped to evaluate the scenario. Water sprinkling everywhere. Her mom was ten feet away and looked encouraging. Ok. And she went for it.

When she got right under the sprinkler, she kicked back on her backside and just let it run over her. I was laughing. It was the cutest funniest little scene. I wanted to bottle it up, put it in my pocket, and never ever lose it. Oh it was precious.

Within seconds she was soaked.

A happy soaked little baby.

After a few minutes she was shivering a little so I wrapped that sweet babe up in a big beach towel and snuggled her. And of course, I had to snap a few pictures.

Even though the sun was behind the clouds, it was much too bright for her little eyes.

I imagine heaven will be full of these moments. Won't it?

For dinner, ok wait, back up. First of all, I did not get a menu planned for the week. I seriously feel lost when I don't. But it just didn't happen. So for dinner, I had to get creative. I started some rice in the rice cooker and figured we'd just have some fish and asparagus on the side. But after the rice had been cooking for a bit, I thought to myself, I can make this better. I found a can of crushed pineapple and remembered I had half a red onion in my fridge. I went to work chopping and scheming. I sauteed the onions and then added the pineapple. It smelled divine you guys. Mmm. So after the rice was done, I put the onion/pineapple concoction on top and smothered it with a hawaiian marinade I also had on hand (warmed up of course). Paired with the fish and asparagus, it was a fab meal and I was proud of it. My husband approved and even made up more when what I served him wasn't enough. It makes me feel good when I know he really enjoys what I make.

Our weekend plans are a little on the gray side. Nothing for certain yet. Except that my brother is coming home from Vegas for a few days and it is a MUST that we see him. I miss that boy. Other than that, I plan on getting a few things done, relaxing, and enjoying having my husband home. Oh, and maybe a few Sonic drinks. No, definitely a few Sonic drinks. 

Today marks 5 years ago that I met James. Blind date. Together ever since.

I love you James Burdell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are those the beginning of curls I see on Brookie's head?