Friday, October 21, 2011

Here's to

lots of naps this weekend

and more awesome movies like this one!

I loved it! Thanks Mom, Whit, and Googs for coming down to see it with us and for taking care of Brooklyn! She loved it! Googs and Whit had both seen it (Googs twice!) so they were willing to take care of Brooklyn if she got fussy during the movie. I was a little apprehensive but Brooklyn was good and Googs only had to take her out at the very end. Phew! I fed her during the previews, shared a Coke with James, and kicked back. Fun night!

(she did do 3 nice loud burps just to make sure we knew she was there!)

(we missed ya in the pic Mom)

h a p p y  f r i d a y !

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