Monday, August 29, 2011

Holding onto Summer...

I couldn't wait for Summer to come this year:

Brooklyn would be here at the end of it,
and lots of family time.

I cant believe it's almost over (I count Labor Day as the end).

Time is passing so quickly! I just want it to freeze. I'm holing onto the last bits of Summer,


at the same time...

I'm getting giddy for Fall.


My favorite season:

the colors
the smells
the holidays
the clothes

I almost can't hardly wait!

But I'm going to miss Summer. My heart is torn. I'll embrace each day I guess. That's the best solution. Enjoy it all. All of it.

Until it's time to pull out the flannel sheets and switch out my t-shirts for hoodies.

Happy Thoughts on Monday

1. my sister is coming down to play today

2. I get to be home with my little sweetie

3. I am healthy, and so is my family

4. my little sister starts 'college'!---at my Alma Mater

5. I don't have to wash my hair

*I typed this one handed while feeding my baby. Took awhile.

1 comment:

e. said...

Here in DC we enjoy summer until late November! But Utah wraps that season up nice and tidy by Sept 1, er, August 1! I love me some Fall too, but I HATE what comes after. I'm getting sick just thinking about it....