Today is my shower at work. Baby shower that is. I also start my end of year testing. I have no lesson plans, I just get to repeat a test 48 times in a week. That might not sound like a lot, but the test is 30 minutes long. By Monday afternoon, if you'd like to hear this test, call me, and I can repeat it to you word for word while I drive home.
No joke.
I can't believe I only have 15 more work days. 15. That number seems so small. But very large at the same time. Like my stomach. It feels so L A R G E. It must be, because every time I turn around I knock one of my kindergarteners to the ground(not really). But they have noticed that it's bigger because it is right in their line of sight and I do occasionally hit them in the head with it.
Plans for the weekend:
youth conference
make bread
celebrate googs' birthday (buy her a delicious present)
hopefully sleep in
couch cuddle time with james
15 days.
(we should all start our days out like this/shirt compliments of one of my students)
h a p p y w e e k e n d .
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