Friday, March 18, 2011


I survived parent teacher conferences (they really aren't that bad, I'm just whiny). I only ended up doing 47 though. So not quite 100% like I was hoping (with 49). So now we're on the countdown to off track time... 3 weeks! 

This weekend we will spend time with my in-laws. The countdown until Gary leaves is getting shorter and shorter. We're getting in every last second we can with him. Our plans are not solid, so I imagine we will DO lots and EAT lots (always good food at the Ruesch's). The boys will get some hoops or football in, we'll have lots of time to chat, probably a little shopping, and we'll just enjoy being together.

Hopefully something really exciting happens this weekend that I can blog about next week because now that parent teacher conferences are over, life's gonna seem pretty dull. However, I am now feeling the baby move a lot, so that provides excitement every day. I get nervous if I don't feel her for a couple of hours. But as soon as I get too worried, she lets me know she's in there. Such a cool feeling. I'm loving it!

H A P P Y    W E E K E N D !

* I've passed the halfway mark (by a couple days)! Yay for 21 weeks next week!

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