it started monday when the pta was out in full force, taking over our classrooms for 15 minutes so we could go enjoy a cinnamon roll in the teacher's lounge. while we were relaxing, the pta had our students write little notes to us on sticky notes they put on a poster outside our room. so cute!
wednesday they ordered us lunch from rumbi grill-one of my favorites! all 3 days i received loads of gifts from my students and their parents.
it feels good to feel appreciated, but i too appreciate the pta, my students, and their parents.
here are a few of my favorite gifts! besides the MOUNTAIN of chocolate i got!
yes, a mom got me a new sentsy! and a yummy scent!
these fun wild flowers!
i just had to take a picture of these, aren't they cute! the paint can had a bunch of treats from the pta in it
tulip balloons! the student who gave me these informed me (as she handed them to me) that these were really hard for her mom to make and that they took a LONG time!
aren't these pretty? i loved having these on my desk this week!
lucky lady!!!
Gosh, and I thought secretaries' day was cool! Glad people appreciate you.
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