Monday, February 12, 2018

valentine's mail + olympics

gosh valentine's day snuck up on this year! we didn't get our grandparent valentine's mailed out as early as we usually do, but i'm so glad we did them!

kendall got a little more serious about it this year and wrote 'novels' to her grandparents.

and brooklyn loved writing hers without any help this year.

this year we went to the post office to mail them and that was an adventure. they thought it was so cool to mail them in the 'big mail slot'.

the olympics are a big deal around our house and we love any chance to get together with family to celebrate that! my mother in law put together the cutest little opening ceremony party for all of us. the kids got pom poms and everything!

adalyn's hair is finally getting long enough for piggy tails and i love it!

we celebrated some good behavior and took the girls to red robin. they proved to us that they can behave so well at a restaurant. especially if that restaurant has bottomless fries and dip. they couldn't get enough! they also ate their actual meals so well and we told them we'll have to go back again soon.

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