Friday, December 29, 2017

december happenings!

december was a whirlwind as per usual, and this is the first chance i'm getting to sit down and put all these memories together. it's been so fun looking through all of them! christmas is such a magical time, most especially with little ones around. i'd say we had lots of fun and didn't leave december behind with too many regrets. so here we go, hopefully i can remember it all!


temple square lights with the holmes crew!

we decked our halls!

grinch night at uncle jeremy and aunt chelsea's!

watching the first presidency christmas devotional!

ward christmas party!

brooklyn and i made a trip to aunt barb's one night to retrieve some things we'd left in cokeville over thanksgiving. it was so fun to spend some time with her and hear about all her christmas decorations and memories. brooklyn especially loved seeing her american girl doll clothes.

wrote letters to santa!

then went to visit santa and mrs. clause!

caroling at the senior center in oakley with cousins!

smith/brown christmas party and gary and lisa's! 

the grand america christmas display windows and gingerbread house!

 snuggling in the van and watching christmas lights + music!

polar express pajama party at the gym daycare!

petersen family christmas party!

gingerbread house decorating! 

kendall loved helping grandma make rolls on christmas eve!

we opened christmas jammies and did our sibling/cousin gift exchange and then we were on our way to coalville for our first ever christmas spent at our house!

next up: christmas eve and christmas day!

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