Saturday, November 4, 2017

sister snapshot //

brooklyn // age 6

you are so responsible at the age of 6! i love you for that! you love helping me with your little sisters and you especially love helping me with cooking. cleaning, and helping me hunt stuff down. i count down the minutes until you're home from school because i miss you so much! you thrive on social interaction and 'doing fun things!' you love school and i'm so glad you're excited to go every day. you do well in school and are becoming such a good reader. i've been so proud of you lately because you've been so willing to try new foods. but you're still a picky eater. you are a good sister, daughter, cousin, and friend. you love going over to nana and papa's without me. you happy cry and sad cry during movies and it's adorable. you are so tender hearted! i'm afraid you're trying to grow up on me way too fast!

kendall // age 3

oh my little kendall kate! you make me laugh every day and sometimes want to cry just as much. you have the biggest personality and an imagination to go with it. every day you wake up telling us you're something or someone different. sometimes it's a dog, a cat, a unicorn, a mermaid, or the character of the show you watched the day before. we love it and you so darn much! you tell us, "i'm not a fan of that," or, "i don't love that." it makes us smile every time. you are starting to become more social and love going to nursery, play school, and anywhere that your sisters or cousins are. you also love going to nana and papa's and dressing up in daddy's old batman costume nana made for him, but you call it your crow costume. you claim to be maleficent's bird diablo. what other kid knows the name of that bird?! you are still quite a picky eater and stick to your favorites. right now you love chicken nuggets with honey mustard. i love that you never fight me on what you're wearing for the day and you could care less how i do your hair. for the most part you're easy going, just not when you're tired or hungry. i wish i could freeze you at 3 forever!

adalyn // 18 months

adi jac you are a little firecracker! you are determined and strong willed like no child i've ever seen. even more so than your big sisters. they love you so much (so do mommy and daddy)! you won't talk, even though we know you can. when music comes on you can't help but wiggle those hips and sing along. you love both sets of grandparents so much! you are my best eater. you'll always try what i give you and sometimes even take a few bites before you decide you don't like it. you love getting in the tub, sometimes twice a day. we've had to limit that due to some horrible eczema you've gotten and it's made you so sad. your my first to love baby dolls at such a young age. you carry them around wrapped in clothing items you find around the house, or push them in the baby stroller. speaking of stroller, every night at bedtime you grab your blanket and head for the side door. i walk you around in your stroller to get you to sleep. i'm not sure what we'll do when the snow comes. you give the best loves and kisses! you wave at random strangers while we're out and about and you get the best reactions from it. sleep is a struggle for you and i'm hoping that changes soon! you are such a little light in our house and we love the pitter patter of your cute little feet.

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