Monday, July 5, 2010

mY cOnFeSsiOn!

it has taken me 20 years or so to finally admit this, but...

i am addicted.

addicted to otter pops, popsicles, whatever you wanna call em.

i can NEVER eat just 1. never.

tonight, i ate - well, that i don't need to tell you, but it was a lot.

and the night isn't over...

so here's to all of you who are ALSO addicted.

join me.

and raise your otter pop proudly to the sky.

a toast.

to the most wonderful, refreshing, icy treat there ever was.

eat it, & then eat another one.

and i'll do the same!


Unknown said...

i saw you eat just one at your mom's house saturday...unless you sneaked one when I wasnt looking!

Maclaine & Sara said...

I love these things. When I was pregnant with Makell, I think I ate at least 10 a day. Not kidding! My favorite flavors are pink and orange...yum.

Nicole said...

So funny. You LOVED them when you were a little girl as well... I always bribed you with them to get you to do what you were supposed to. You are too cute.